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Enacted Laws

S 516 - Requires the Secretary of Transportation to establish an advanced air mobility interagency working group in order to plan for and coordinate efforts related to the physical and digital security, safety, infrastructure, and Federal investment necessary for maturation of the AAM ecosystem, which may include unmanned or remotely piloted vehicles. View the Bill

H.R. 4346 – Provides for a program to test and research the integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system. View the Bil

S 1605 – Mandates review of Department of Defense unmanned aircraft systems categorization and requires implementation of certain recommendations regarding the use of unmanned aircraft systems by the National Guard not later than September 30, 2022. View the Bill

S 2730 (Drone Advisory Committee for the 21st Century Act) – This would establish a Drone Advisory Committee to provide independent advice and recommendations to the FAA regarding issues involving the efficiency and safety of integrating unmanned aircraft systems into the National Airspace System. View the Bill

Active Legislation


Previously Introduced Legislation

S 4687 – To enhance the authority granted to the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice with respect to unmanned aircraft systems and unmanned aircraft. View the Bill
S 4678 – Provides funding for U.S. Customs and Border Protection for procurement, construction, and improvements, including procurement of unmanned aerial systems. View the Bill
S 4670 -  Establishes that applicable appropriations to the Department of Transportation shall be available for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and deployment of unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill
S 4663 – Specifies that none of the funds appropriated by the Act may be used to transfer research and development, acquisition, or other program authority relating to current tactical unmanned aerial vehicles from the Army. Provides that the Army shall retain responsibility for and operational control of the MQ–1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). View the Bill

H.R. 8236 – Specifies that the Army shall retain responsibility for and operational control of the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in order to support the Secretary of Defense in matters relating to the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

H.R. 8029 – Allows Taiwan to acquire critical asymmetric defensive capabilities on an expedited basis, including unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill
H.R. 8155 – To prevent agencies from using unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance of United States citizens. View the Bill

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H.R. 7888 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on upgrading the capabilities of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, including an assessment of efforts of the Department of Defense to ensure that Bahrain has unmanned aerial systems defense assets and to deepen interoperability with Bahrain in counter unmanned aircraft system measures. View the Bill 

S 4059 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to replace certain equipment, including unmanned aerial vehicles, provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. View the Bill

S 3724 – Appropriates funds to provide the Government of Ukraine certain defense equipment including unmanned aerial vehicles (tactical and armed) and crew-served weapons ammunition with low-light and infrared night sights. View the Bill

H.R. 6673 – Authorizes funding for the Operation Stonegarden grant program of the Department of Homeland Security to procure technology and equipment, including drone technology. View the Bill

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H.R. 6572 – (Countering CCP Drones Act) Provides for the addition of certain equipment and services produced or provided by the drone manufacturer DJI Technologies to the list of covered communications equipment or services published under the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019. View the Bill

S 3563 – (Countering CCP Drones Act) Provides for the addition of certain equipment and services produced or provided by the drone manufacturer DJI Technologies to the list of covered communications equipment or services published under the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019. View the Bill

H.R. 6336 - Requires the Joint Fire Science Program to work with unmanned aircraft test ranges to carry out research and development of unmanned aircraft system fire applications. View the Bill

S 3421 - Clarifies that section 107 of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act applies sanctions with respect to unmanned combat aerial vehicles. View the Bill

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S 3067 - Establishes the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program. Under the bill, one of the eligible uses for a SMART grant is a project that leverages use of innovative aviation technologies, such as unmanned aircraft systems, to support transportation safety and efficiencies. View the Bill

H.R. 1339 - Requires the Secretary of Transportation to establish an advanced air mobility interagency working group and to coordinate with aviation industry and labor stakeholders including unmanned aircraft system operators and service suppliers. View the Bill

H.R. 5629 - Specifies that certain defense articles, including certain unmanned aerial vehicles, may be sold, exported, or transferred only pursuant to section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act, which requires prior Congressional notification. View the Bill

HR 5640 - Bans the Federal procurement of certain drones and other unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 3023 - Provides that the Army shall retain responsibility for and operational control of the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in order to support the Secretary of Defense in matters relating to the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

HR 5560 - Requires the Secretary of Defense to issue new guidance that treats the use of unmanned aircraft systems by the National Guard for covered activities in a manner no more restrictive than the use of other aircraft for covered activities. View the Bill

S 2792 - Requires the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment to conduct an analysis to determine whether modifications should be made in the Department of Defense grouping on unmanned aerial systems into five broad categories. View the Bill

HR 5314 - Directs the Secretary of Transportation to establish a drone infrastructure inspection grant program and a drone education and training grant program. View the Bill

S 2767 - Authorizes certain Federal departments to enter into contracts to carry out existing authorities to protect United States facilities from unmanned aircraft. View the Bill

HR 5202 - Requires the Department of Defense to revise the system used for categorizing unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

HR 4357 - Prohibits operation or procurement of foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems, with exceptions. View the Bill

HR 4828 - (Border Security for America Act of 2021) Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that Air and Marine Operations operate unmanned aircraft systems for not less than 24 hours per day for 7 days per week. View the Bill

S. 2391 - (National Security Powers Act of 2021) Requires congressional authorization prior to any letter of offer or license being issued under the Arms Export Control Act with respect to a proposed sale or export of a manned or unmanned aircraft of $14,000,000 or more to any country or international organization, with exceptions. View the Bill

S. 2404 - (Western Wildfire Support Act of 2021) Requires the Secretary of the Interior to work with covered unmanned aircraft test ranges to carry out research and development of unmanned aircraft system fire applications. Also requires the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study on the effects on drone incursions on wildlife suppression. View the Bill

HR 4682 - Prohibits the Secretary of Homeland Security from operating or procuring certain foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

HR 3784 - Requires the Comptroller General of the United States to provide a technology assessment of precision agriculture technologies, such as the existing use of aerial imagery generated by satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

HR 4432 - Specifies that the Army shall retain responsibility for and operational control of the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in order to support the Secretary of Defense in matters relating to the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

HR 3442 - Mandates the hiring of additional personnel and procurement of additional equipment, including unmanned aerial systems equipped with an aerial ignition system, to implement a greater number of prescribed fires. View the Bill

HR 3482 - Establishes the National Center for the Advancement of Aviation, which shall support the development of aviation and aerospace education curricula for use by schools that are designed to prepare students to enter the aviation or aerospace workforce by becoming aircraft pilots, aerospace engineers, unmanned aircraft system operators, or aviation maintenance professionals. View the Bill

S 1734 - Directs the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to encourage and expand the use of prescribed fire on land managed by the Department of the Interior or the Forst Service, and requires the Secretary concerned to procure additional equipment, including unmanned aerial systems equipped with an aerial ignition system, to implement a greater number of prescribed fires. View the Bill

S 1752 - Establishes the National Center for the Advancement of Aviation, which shall support the development of aviation and aerospace education curricula that are designed to prepare students to enter the aviation or aerospace workforce by becoming aircraft pilots, aerospace engineers, unmanned aircraft system operators, or to refresh the knowledge of individuals working in the aviation or aerospace sector. View the Bill

S 2016 - Provides that a SMART grant may be used to carry out a project that leverages use of innovative aviation technologies, such as unmanned aircraft systems, to support transportation safety and efficiencies, including traffic monitoring and infrastructure inspection. View the Bill

HR 2500 - Requires the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement no later than one year after enactment of this bill to develop protocols and plans for the use of unmanned aircraft system technologies for reforestation activities. Any unmanned aircraft system technology used under this section must be made and manufactured in the United States. View the Bill

HR 2639 - Requires the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement no later than one year after enactment of this bill to develop protocols and plans for the use of unmanned aircraft system technologies for reforestation activities. Any unmanned aircraft system technology used under this section must be made and manufactured in the United States. View the Bill

S 1473 - Establishes that beginning on the day that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this bill, certain defense articles, including unmanned aerial vehicles specifically designed to incorporate a defense article, may be sold, exported, or transferred only pursuant to section 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act. View the Bill

 S 1600 - Establishes that not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this bill, the Secretary of the Interior shall complete a study of technologies for use in the abandoned mine land reclamation program that would improve reclamation and reduce costs under the program, including the application of technological innovations in the technology developments and transfer program of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, including drone technology. View the Bill

HR 2462 - Requires the Secretary of the Interior to complete a study of technologies, such as drones, for use in carrying out abandoned mine reclamation activities that would improve reclamation and reduce costs, including the application of technical innovations in the technology development and transfer program of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. View the Bill

S 1395 - Requires the Comptroller General of the United States to provide a technology assessment of precision agriculture technologies, such as the existing use of aerial imagery generated by unmanned aerial vehicles or satellites. View the Bill

HR 2153 - Establishes that the Secretary of Commerce shall carry out a program to partner with academic institutions to award prizes competitively to stimulate research and development of innovative unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies in order to expand upon and improve emergency response operations. Also requires the Secretary, partnered with academic institutions, to establish the measurements and standards necessary for credentialing remote pilots, including implementation and demonstration of distributed pilot training and evaluation using standard test methods, and support flight test simulations. View the Bill

S 1260 - Establishes the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operation Program and requires the administrator to research capabilities for integrating unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system. The bill also requires the Comptroller General of the United States to provide a technology assessment of precision agriculture technologies, such as the existing use of aerial imagery generated by satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

HR 1736 - Authorizes SMART grants for projects that demonstrate a sound, innovative, integrated, and holistic approach and incorporate aspects including the use of innovative aviation technology, such as unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 1169 - (Strategic Competition Act of 2021) Requires the Secretary of State, in consultation with the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies, to develop and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a strategy for countering and limiting Chinese influence in, and access to, the Middle East and North Africa, including an assessment of Chinese military sales of lethal and non-lethal unmanned aerial systems to the region. View the Bill

HR 2016 - Provides for the creation of a working group to identify potential emerging technologies, such as unmanned aircraft systems, consistent with the requirements established in the FEMA Accountability, Modernization and Transparency Act of 2017, to expedite the administration of preliminary damage assessments. View the Bill

S 687 - Establishes that it is the policy of the United States to: i) exercise its sovereign right within the 1987 Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) to define unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as aircraft rather than as cruise missiles; ii) to consider UAS as not subject to MTCR guidelines or annexes; iii) to ensure that exports of military UAS remain subject to the same export considerations as military aircraft; and iv) to ensure that military UAS share the same co-development, co-production, and any other privilege or consideration afforded to military aircraft for the purposes of direct commercial sale or foreign military sale. View the Bill

HR 196 - To prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency from using an unmanned aerial vehicle to carry out a weapons strike or other deliberately lethal action and to transfer the authority to conduct such strikes or lethal action to the Department of Defense. View the Bill

S 73 - (American Security Drone Act of 2021) Prohibits the procurement and operation of covered unmanned aircraft systems from covered foreign entities, with exceptions. Prohibits the use of government-issued purchase cards to purchase covered unmanned aircraft systems from covered foreign entities. Requires the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with other Departments and with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, to establish a government-wide policy for the procurement of UAS for non-Department of Defense and non-intelligence community operations, and through grants and cooperative agreements entered into with non-Federal entities. View the Bill

HR 812 - (Security First Act) Requires the Secretary of State to submit to the appropriate congressional committees a technology needs analysis for border security technology along the Southwest border, including an assessment of recently technological advancements in unmanned aerial systems and counter-unmanned aerial system technology. View the Bill

S 600 - Prescribes zoning authority with respect to commercial unmanned aircraft systems and preserves State, local, and Tribal authorities and private property with respect to unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

HR 6089 - Clarifies that section 107 of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act applies sanctions with respect to unmanned combat aerial vehicles following a 2019 change by the United Nations providing additional clarity to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. View the Bill

HR 6245 - To require a review of the system used by the Department of Defense for categorizing unmanned aircraft systems, and for other purposes. View the Bill

HR 6489 – Prohibits the use of certain grants from being used to procure unmanned aircraft systems manufactured by Chinese companies. View the Bill

S 3542 – A bill to prevent the misuse of drones. View the Bill (bill text is not yet available)

HR 7965 – To prevent the misuse of drones, and for other purposes. View the Bill

S.4397 – Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to build capacity for counter-unmanned aircraft systems operations. View the Bill

H.R. 8294 – Provides that during the current fiscal year, applicable appropriations to the Department of Transportation shall be available for the purchase, maintenance, and operation of unmanned aircraft systems that advance the mission of the Department. Specifies that any unmanned aircraft system procured by the Department prior to the date of enactment of this Act shall be deemed authorized by Congress as if this provision was in effect when the system was procured. View the Bill

H.R. 8257 – Provides for necessary expenses of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for operations and support, including the purchase, maintenance, and operation of unmanned aerial systems. View the Bill

H.R. 7900 – Modifies prohibition on operation or procurement of foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems. Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 2023 for various unmanned aerial systems, related modernizations, and support. View the Bill

S 4503 – Requires the Director of National Intelligence to submit a report on unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena or drones of unknown origin that are associated with nuclear power generating stations or nuclear fuel storage sites. View the Bill

S 4543 – Appropriates funding for the procurement of various unmanned aircraft systems and counter-unmanned aircraft systems for national defense. View the Bill

S 4744 – Directs the Secretary of Transportation to establish a drone infrastructure inspection grant program and a drone education and training grant program. View the Bill

S 4801 – (Stopping Harmful Incidents to Enforce Lawful Drone Use Act) – To authorize Counter-UAS activities on and off commercial service airport property. View the Bill

HR 9058 – To permit the operation of actively tethered unmanned aircraft systems by all first responders. View the Bill

H.R. 9376 – To provide for a coordinated Federal initiative to accelerate unmanned aircraft systems civilian and advanced air mobility research and development for economic and national security, and for other purposes. View the Bill

HR 8791 - Provides for the designation of a Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Coordinator; prohibits the operation or procurement of foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

HR 8309 (Keep America Secure Act) - Prohibits the operation or procurement of foreign-made unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Requires that Air and Marine Operations operate UAS on the southern border of the U.S. for not less than 24 hours per day for 5 days per week. Provides for the designation of a Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator to coordinate with relevant Department offices and components on the development of policies and plans to counter threats associated with UAS. View the Bill

HR 8532 (National Center for the Advancement of Aviation Act of 2020) - Establishes the National Center for the Advancement of Aviation, which shall support the development of aviation and aerospace education curricula designed to prepare students to enter the workforce by becoming aircraft pilots and unmanned aircraft system operators, among other occupations. View the Bill

S 4629 (America LEADS Act) - Requires the Secretary of State to submit to Congress a report identifying countries which have in the prior two years acquired defense articles from the People’s Republic of China, including unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

S 4712 (SAFEGUARD Act) - Provides that unmanned aerial vehicles specifically designed to incorporate a defense article may be sold, exported, or transferred only pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act. View the Bill

S 4625 (National Prescribed Fire Act of 2020) - Would direct the hiring of additional personnel and procurement of additional equipment, including unmanned aerial systems equipped with an aerial ignition system, to implement a greater number of prescribed fires. View the Bill

HR 8132 (American COMPETE Act) - To require the Secretary of Commerce to complete a study on the impact of unmanned delivery services, including drones, on United State business conducting interstate commerce. View the Bill

HR 7850 (NIE on Iranian Proxy Forces Act) - To require a National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian proxy forces to be submitted to Congress, including  destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons, as well as unmanned aerial threats such as drones, rockets, and mortars. View the Bill

S 4413 - A bill to improve the response of the Department of Defense to threats to United States forces worldwide form small unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 4224 - Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to assess technology needs, including an assessment of unmanned aerial systems and counter-unmanned aerial system technology, along the Southern border and develop a strategy for bridging such gaps. View the Bill

S 3972 - (Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fee Reauthorization Act of 2020) Requires the Secretary of the Interior to complete a study of technologies for use in the abandoned mine land reclamation program, including the application of technical innovations in the technology and transfer program of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, including geomorphic reclamation and drone technology. View the Bill

S 2826 - (Securing Our Skies Against Chinese Technology Act of 2020) Prohibits the use of funds to purchase drones manufactured in the People’s Republic of China or by Chinese state-controlled entities. View the Bill

S 4896 - Authorizes certain Federal departments to enter into contracts to carry out existing authorities to protect United States facilities from unmanned aircraft. View the Bill

HR 6895 (Buzz Off Act) - To prevent agencies from using unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct surveillance of US citizens. View the Bill

HR 5793 - This bill would allow the Secretary of Homeland Security to deploy technology including unmanned cameras and aerial vehicles to surveil the border. View the Bill 

HR 4753 (Drone Origin Security Enhancement Act) - This bill prohibits the Department of Homeland security from operating, financing, or procuring foreign manufactured unmanned aircraft systems, with certain exceptions. View the Bill

HR 4432 (Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Drones and Emerging Threats Act) - This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security to address issues related to terrorism threats of unmanned aircraft systems and other emerging terrorism threats. View the Bill

HR 3787 (DHS Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator Act) - This bill would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish in the Department of Homeland Security an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator. View the Bill

S 1867 (DHS Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator Act) - This bill would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish in the Department of Homeland Security an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Coordinator. View the Bill

S 3042 (Small Passenger Vessel Safety Act of 2019) - This bill would require the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating to prescribe additional regulations to secure the safety of individuals and property on board certain small passenger vessels. View the Bill

S 2924 (Bandelier National Park and Preserve Establishment Act) - This bill establishes the Bandelier National Park and Preserve and prohibits use of unmanned aircrafts within its boundaries. View the Bill

S 2800 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2019) - This bill would authorize programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. View the Bill

HR 112 - This bill would prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency from using an unmanned aerial vehicle to carry out a weapons strike or other lethal action, and would transfer to the Department of Defense all authority to use such a vehicle to conduct such a strike or lethal action. View the Bill

HR 2830 (Drone Backlog Reduction Act) - This bill directs the Federal Aviation Administration to establish an Unmanned Aircraft System Waiver Task Force to process applications submitted for determinations, assessments, and waivers to reduce the backlog and processing time of outstanding waiver or exemption applications. View the Bill

HR 3256 (Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act of 2019) - This bill would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to reauthorize and improve the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program, including a voluntary mechanism for reporting drones. View the Bill

HR 3318 (Emerging Transportation Security Threats Act of 2019) - This bill directs the Transportation Security Administration to establish a task force to conduct an analysis of emerging and potential future treats to transportation security, including unmanned aerial systems with the capability of inflicting harm on transportation targets. View the Bill

HR 3388 (Moving and Fostering Innovation to Revolutionize Smarter Transportation Act) - This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to award grants to communities to promote technological innovation in transportation systems, including leveraging the use of innovative aviation technologies such as unmanned aircraft systems to support transportation safety and efficiencies , including traffic monitoring and infrastructure inspection. View the Bill

S 1939 (Moving and Fostering Innovation to Revolutionize Smarter Transportation Act) - This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to award grants to communities to promote technological innovation in transportation systems, including leveraging the use of innovative aviation technologies such as unmanned aircraft systems to support transportation safety and efficiencies , including traffic monitoring and infrastructure inspection. View the Bill

HR 3548 (Bolstering Long-Term Understanding and Exploration of the Great Lakes, Oceans, Bays, and Estuaries Act) - This bill would improve data collection and monitoring of the Great Lakes, including by accelerating innovation at cooperative institutes with a focus on improvements to advanced unmanned vehicles. View the Bill

HR 5040 (AIR Safety Act of 2019) - This bill directs the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to study the effects of drone incursions on wildfire suppression. View the Bill

HR 5063 (U.S.-Israel Anti-Killer Drone Act) - This bill would provide for increased authorities relating to US-Israel unmanned aerial systems cooperation. View the Bill

HR 5125 (American Security Drone Act of 2019) - This bill would ban the Federal procurement of certain drones and other unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 2502 (American Security Drone Act of 2019) - This bill would ban the Federal procurement of certain drones and other unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

HR 5136 (Aeronautics Innovation Act) - This bill aims to secure the technological edge of the US in civil and military aviation. View the Bill

S 1713 (Aeronautics Innovation Act) - This bill aims to secure the technological edge of the US in civil and military aviation. View the Bill

S 2173 (Coast Guard Drug Detection and Interdiction Act) - This bill would authorize the US Coast Guard to provide funding for the enhancement of its land-based aircraft system program. View the Bill

S 2469 (METHANE Act) - This bill requires the operators of distribution pipelines to use advanced leak detection technology to detect and repair leaking pipelines, including high sensitivity methane detectors mounted on a vehicle or aircraft that is equipped with GPS technology. View the Bill

S 2607 (Drone Integration and Zoning Act of 2019) - This bill would require the FAA to prescribe regulations or standards related to unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 3360 - This bill would establish the National Center for the Advancement of Aviation. View the Bill

S 3413 - This bill would direct the Director of the Bureau of Land Management to study the effects of drone incursion on wildfire suppression. View the Bill

HR 6943 - To require the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a study on unmanned delivery service. View the Bill

HR 7311 (Securing Our Skies Against Chinese Technology Act of 2020) - Prohibits the use of funds to purchase drones manufactured in the People’s Republic of China or by Chinese state-controlled entities. View the Bill

HR 7617 - Establishes that the Army shall retain responsibility for and operational control of the MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in order to support the Secretary of Defense in matters relating to the employment of unmanned aerial vehicles. View the Bill

HR 7540 - Establishes a Public Lands Eradication and Remediation Partnership that includes the coordination of activities among States and Federal agencies contracting to use commercially available aerial imagery, remote sensing, and geospatial data acquisition services using manned aircraft operations, unmanned aircraft systems, satellites, and other technologies to monitor and identify illegal marijuana cultivation and other illegal activities. View the Bill

S 4474 - A bill to amend the Arms Export Control Act to prohibit the export of certain unmanned aircraft systems. View the Bill

S 4272 - (STRATEGIC Act): States that it is the policy of the United states to consider unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as not subject to Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) guidelines and to ensure that military UAS share the same co-development, co-production, and any other privilege or consideration afforded to military aircraft for the purposes of direct commercial sale or foreign military sale. View the Bill

HR 7944 (Southwest Border Security Technology Improvement Act of 2020) - To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to assess technology needs, including unmanned aerial systems and counter-unmanned aerial system technology, along the Southern border and develop a strategy for bridging such gaps. View the Bill

HR 8707 (Middle East Advanced Military Technology Protection Act) - Restricts the transfer of certain defense articles and services, including armed unmanned aerial systems, to countries in the Middle East other than Israel. View the Bill

S 1608 - Consumer Drone Safety Act. View the Bill

S 2156 - Wildfire and Emergency Airspace Protection Act of 2015. View the Bill

S 2157 - Safe Drone Act of 2015. View the Bill

S 2249 - Drone Operator Safety Act. View the Bill

HR 466 - To prohibit the Central Intelligence Agency from using an unmanned aerial vehicle to carry out a weapons strike or other deliberately lethal action and to transfer the authority to conduct such strikes or lethal action to the Department of Defense. View the Bill

HR 3962 Protecting Individuals from Mass Aerial Surveillance Act of 2015. View the Bill

S 159 A bill to improve the operation of the Department of Homeland Security's Unmanned Aircraft System Program. View the Bill

S 1595 Protecting Individuals from Mass Aerial Surveillance Act of 2015. View the Bill

HR 1229 - Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act of 2015. View the Bill

HR 1385 Preserving American Privacy Act of 2015. View the Bill

HR 1646 - Homeland Security Drone Assessment and Analysis Act. View the Bill

S 387 Safe Skies for Unmanned Aircraft Act of 2015. View the Bill

S 635 - Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act of 2015. View the Bill

S 1314 - Commercial UAS Modernization Act. View the Bill

HR 2569 - Drone Reform Act. View the Bill

HR 3025 - Wildfire Airspace Protection Act of 2015. View the Bill

HR 3669 - Safe Drone Act of 2015. View the Bill

HR 972 - The United States shall not use a drone to gather evidence or other information pertaining to criminal conduct or conduct in violation of a regulation except to the extent authorized in a warrant issued under the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. View the Bill

HR 1242 & S 505 – Prohibits the use of drones to kill citizens of the United States within the United States. View Bill HR 1242 | View Bill S 505

HR 1083- To amend the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 to establish prohibitions to prevent the use of an unmanned aircraft system as a weapon while operating in the national airspace system, and for other purposes. View the Bill

HR 1262- To amend the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 to provide guidance and limitations regarding the integration of unmanned aircraft systems into United States airspace, and for other purposes. View the Bill

S 1639- To amend the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 to provide guidance and limitations regarding the integration of unmanned aircraft systems into United States airspace, and for other purposes. View the Bill

S 1016- Preserving Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act of 2013. View the Bill

HR 2183- Drones Accountability Act. View the Bill

HR 2438-Designating Requirements on Notification of Executive-ordered Strikes Act. View the Bill

HR 2868- Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act. View the Bill

HR 637- Preserving American Privacy Act. View the Bill

HR 3644 - Drone Operator Safety Act of 2017 - A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of unsafe operation of unmanned aircraft, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. View the Bill

HR 5366 - A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for certain authorized actions regarding interdiction of unmanned aircraft, and for other purposes. View the Bill

HR 6235 - A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the use of unauthorized unmanned aircrafts over wildfires. View the Bill

HR 6617 - A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the use of unauthorized unmanned aircrafts over wildfires. View the Bill

S 3132 - A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the use of unauthorized unmanned aircrafts over wildfires. View the Bill

S 635 - Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act of 2015. View the Bill